Cumbum Panneer Thratchai Grapes | UPSC | Why In The News ?
- GI tag sought by Theni farmers Tamil Nadu for ‘Cumbum Panneer Thratchai’ Grapes
Key Points
- Cumbum Valley is the only place in the country where grapes are harvested round the year with three yield seasons.
- The unique feature is that these grapes are harvested all through the year as opposed only during January and April in the rest of India.
- The grapes grown are suitable for making wine, spirit, jams, canned grape juice and raisins.
- Since these grapes are produced in two seasons in a year, their yield and returns are exceptionally high.

Climate & Soil Needed For Grapes CultivationÂ
- Grapes generally require a hot and dry climate during its growth and fruiting periods.
- It is successfully grown in areas where the temperature range is from 15-40 C.
- High temperatures above 40 C during the fruit growth and development reduce fruit set and consequently the berry size.
- Low temperatures below 15 C followed by forward pruning impair the budbreak leading to crop failure.
- The fruitfulness of buds is influenced by light.
- Light intensity of 2,400-ft. candle is essential for optimum growth.
- However, low light intensities during the active growth stage (45-75 days after pruning) and fruit bud formation adversely affects the crop.
- It is most successfully grown at elevations ranging from 200-250m above m.s.l. Area with annual rainfall not exceeding 900mm well distributed throughout the year is ideal.
- However, rainfall during flowering and fruit ripening is not favourable as it leads to the spread of downy mildew disease.
- High atmospheric humidity is detrimental during vegetative growth and fruiting.
- At a high humidity the vegetative growth of vines is vigorous which affects the fruit size and quality.
- Similarly high humidity during 30-110 days after forward pruning favours the development of fungal diseases.
Girnar 4 and Girnar 5 Groundnut Varieties | UPSC
Soil For Grapes Cultivation :
- Grapes can be cultivated in variety of soils including sandy loams, sandy clay loams, red sandy soils, shallow to medium black soils and red loams.
- The soil should be well drained, having good water holding capacity and devoid of any hard pan or impervious layer in the top 90-cm, with water table at least 6.5m below.
- Grapes can also be grown successfully over a wide range of soil pH (4.0-9.5) however, soils having pH range of 6.5-8.0 are considered ideal.
Major Grape Growing Regions :Â
Uttar Pradesh & Haryana And soil :Â
- Sandy loams sandy clay loams.
Andhra Pradesh & Soil :Â
North interior Karnataka & Maharashtra And Soil :Â
- Shallow-medium deep black.
South interior Karnataka & Tamil Nadu And Soil :Â
Source : The Hindu | Indian ExpressÂ