Performance Grading Index UPSC | Govt launches 2019-20 Index

Performance Grading Index UPSC | Govt launches 2019-20 Index : The Union Education Minister has approved the release of Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 for States and Union Territories. The PGI is a tool to provide insights on the status of school education in States and UTs including key levers that drive their performance and critical areas for improvement.

Why In News ?

  • Performance Grading Index 2019-20, for States and Union Territories, has been released by the Education ministry.
Performance Grading Index UPSC
Performance Grading Index UPSC

Performance Grading Index UPSC | Govt launches 2019-20 Index

Key Points And Highlights 

Index Performance Grading Index
Year 2019-2020
Mninstry Ministry Of Education
Nodal Department & Agency  Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL)
First Index Was Launched In 2017-18 ( For 2019 Year )


  • The PGI exercise envisages that the index would propel States and UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventions that will bring about the much-desired optimal education outcomes.
  • The PGI helps the States/UTs to pinpoint the gaps and accordingly prioritise areas for intervention to ensure that the school education system is robust at every level.
Implementing Agency:
  • It is initiated by the Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL).
Source of Information:

The information on the indicators are drawn from data available with the DoSEL from the

  • Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE)
  • National Achievement Survey (NAS) of NCERT
  • Mid Day Meal website
  • Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
  • The information uploaded by the States and UTs on the Shagun portal of DoSEL
Key Findings of the Performance Grading Index 2019-20:
  • Punjab scored highest: Punjab has recorded the highest score in the index with a total of 929 out of 1,000. This is a huge improvement from 769 in 2020.
  • Punjab has overtaken Chandigarh which topped in the previous edition but has now dropped to 2nd place with a score of 912.
  • Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Kerala have all scored higher than 90% in the Index for 2019-20.
  • Gujarat drops from second to 8th place.
  • Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh also saw a severe drop in their scores. Thus pushing both States to an overall performance that was worse than in the previous edition of the index.
  • The new Union Territory of Ladakh was included separately for the first time in this edition and had the lowest score of just 545.

Methodology Used In Performance Grading Index 

    • The PGI is structured in two categories, namely, Outcomes and Governance & Management and comprises 70 indicators in aggregate with a total weightage of 1000.
    • Domains under categories include: Access, Infrastructure & Facilities, Equity, Governance process.

Read Also – United Nations And Its Organs UPSC | Structure | Functioning | Quiz

Domain Wise Perfomance By Different States 


  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and Punjab have shown improvement of 10% or more in the ‘Access’ domain.

Infrastructure and Facilities:

  • Thirteen states and UTs have shown improvement by 10% or more in ‘Infrastructure and Facilities’.
  • while Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Odisha have improved their scores in the domain by 20% or more.


  • In ‘Equity’, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Odisha have shown an improvement of more than 10%.

Governance Process:

  • 19 states have shown improvement by 10% or more.
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal have shown improvement by at least 20%.


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