White Fungus UPSC | Causes | Symptoms | Spread | Treatment – As the central government asks states to notify black fungus or mucormycosis an epidemic, an infection called white fungus or Candidiasis has also been found to affect some people. This is The another Form of Fungus Which is Found In Patients In India. Four cases of ‘white fungus’ or ‘candidiasis’ have been detected in Patna, Bihar. Also In Other Part Of India White Fungus cases Are Found In India.
What is White Fungus Or Candidiasis ?
- White Fungus or Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida.
- Candida normally lives on the skin and inside the body, in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems.
- Candida can cause infections if it grows out of control or if it enters deep into the body (for example, the bloodstream or internal organs like the kidney, heart, or brain).
- The most common species that causes infection is Candida albicans.
What Are The Mains Causes Of Candidiasis?
- White fungus infection can be caused due to low immunity, or if people come in contact with things that contain these moulds.
- Diabetes patients, cancer patients, and those who are taking steroids for a long period of time are more at risk of getting infected.
- White Fungus is affecting those coronavirus patients who are on oxygen support.
- It is directly affecting the lungs of these patients.
- It is the main reason of Leucorrhoea in women – flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina.
- Like the black fungus, white fungus is also more likely to afflict people with compromised immune systems, pre-existing medical conditions, AIDS, a recent kidney transplant or diabetes.

What Are The Symptoms White Fungus ?
- Cough
- Fever
- Diarrhea
- Dark spots on lungs, reduced oxygen level
Note: The symptoms of ‘white fungus’ are similar to those of COVID and the infection can be diagnosed through CT-scan or X-ray.
Who is more at risk of White Fungus infection?
- Both White and Black fungus prey on people with low immunity.
- Along with this, people suffering from diabetes, cancer, critical illness or a patient admitted in ICU are more prone to black fungus.
- At the same time, the white fungus attacks people with comorbidities.
- People with cancer, excess blood sugar are more prone to white fungus.
How to avoid black and white fungus infection?
- The first one has to avoid getting Covid infection.
- Therefore it is important to strengthen the immunity.
- Do not overuse steroids during covid treatment.
- Steroids should be given only when the oxygen levels go down and pneumonia occurs.
- When the condition is stable, reduce the number of steroids, so that there is no problem of blood sugar fluctuation.
White and black fungus infections can be avoided in these ways.
Diagnosis and Treatment Of White Fungus
- CT scans or X-Rays can reveal the condition.
- Patients with the white fungus are currently being treated with known anti-fungal medication.